Georgia Milestones Assessment System
Georgia Milestones Assessment System
In 2014-2015, Georgia initiated a new assessment system, replacing the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT in grades 3-8), the writing assessments in grades 3, 5, and 8, and the End-of Course Tests (grades 9-12) with the Georgia Milestones Assessment System. The system includes End-of-Grade (EOG) and End-of-Course (EOC) tests and, for grades 3-8, is administered in all content areas: English language arts, math, science, and social studies. The EOC will be administered in select courses in grades 9-12. The tests are given on-line to select students beginning this year, with a goal of 100% on-line participation within the next five years. Vendor CTB/McGraw-Hill was awarded the contract to develop the tests.
The Georgia Milestones includes both criterion-referenced (measuring the student's mastery of a content standard) and norm-referenced (comparing student's performance to that of others across the state and nation) features. Aligned with the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and designed with the goal of ensuring all students are prepared for college, career and life, the Georgia Milestones will be more rigorous than the CRCT.
For more information regarding the Georgia Milestones Assessment System, please use the link below to refer to the press release located at the Georgia Department of Education's website.